Events Calendar
Kris Springer
Will be critiquing trees at our February meeting on the 15th at 6:00pm. This probably won't be your "typical" bonsai critique as Kris's style isn't entirely conventional. Please contact David Melitz if you want to bring a tree to the critique. Please bring something a little unusual, or something you're willing to have Kris make unusual!
Please remember we are meeting in the Choir Room next to the sanctuary.

Kofu Kai Events and Club Meetings:
Feb. 15, 2025 This month Kris Springer will be our guest artist. He will be critiquing member trees, but this probably won't be your traditional bonsai critique, as Kris tends to be a little less than conventional. This should be good! Please contact David Melitz if you want to bring a tree.
Jan. 18, 2025 No club meeting. Unfortunately, the Baikoen Winter Silhouette's exhibition at the Los Angeles Arboretum has been canceled due to the wildfires in the area and the poor air quality.
If you haven't done so already, please remember to pay your membership dues for 2025. Please go to our "Club Membership" webpage to download our membership form.
Other Events:
February, 22-23, 2025 Bonsai-A-Thon at The Huntington Library
January 18-19, 2025 Baikoen's Winter Silhouettes Show, CANCELED due to the wildfires and poor air quality.